Biophotonics is used in imaging, sensing, and therapy to diagnose disease, reduce the risk of infection, and observe brain activity. Now it is being used to keep astronauts healthy and diagnose and treat sleep apnea.
SPIE Photonics West 2025, scheduled for January 25–30 in San Francisco, offers numerous benefits for professionals in the optics and photonics industry. Here are 25 reasons to attend.
It’s that time again. Let’s take a look at the most-read articles that appeared on Photonics Online this past year. Why, it’s become an annual event!
Tracing its origins back to 1903, light sheet microscopy has developed into an invaluable tool in many fields. Learn more about Richard Zsigmondy and his role in creating this tool.
Metrology plays a crucial role in various aspects of society and industry. It encompasses three main subfields: scientific, legal, and industrial metrology. Oh, and golf?
Shannon Ghorbani of Mad City Labs provides an insightful look at the importance of picometer resolution and picometer position noise - no matter the scale you are working on.
Shannon Gohrbani of Mad City Labs details PicoQ Position Sensor technology for displacement measurements on Day Two of Photonics West 2023.
William O. Hancock of Penn Sate University breaks down the design and application of two multi-modal microscopes built around the Mad City Labs RM21 single molecule microscope.
On the last day of Photonics West 2022, Jennifer Piper at BaySpec discussed hyperspectral cameras, including the GoldenEye Snapshot imager, which is ideal for low-light applications.
Nanopositioning motion control technologies are key for the advancement of high resolution microscopy, metrology, photonics and semiconductor wafer test. A few examples are explained in the video.