Blog Articles
How Is Laser Power Output Measured?
There are a lot of different ways to measure laser power. Three technologies are often found in industrial power detectors: photodetectors, thermopiles and water calorimeters.
Overview Of Laser Modes In Optical Fiber
Laser light in an optical fiber can travel in one or many modes. Long-distance telecom works better when there is just one mode. High-power applications benefit from having many modes.
Use Of Camera-Based Systems To Characterize Laser Beam Spatial Profile
Laser beam profiling cameras like those in the Beamage series help identify laser beams that aren't performing optimally and provide the intel required to correct that situation.
What Is Population Inversion In A Laser?
Population inversion occurs when energy is pumped into a system to excite the atoms. The 2 most popular methods for doing this are electrical pumping and optical pumping.
What Are Diode Lasers And Where Do We Use Them?
For most people, when you hear the term diode, it automatically refers to LED lighting. Although most of the time you are probably right, diodes don’t have to emit light and can be used in a multitude of devices.
Essential Laser Beam Parameters To Know About Your Laser System
The essential laser beam parameters include beam profile such as Gaussian, flat-top or irregular, beam size, wavelength, and laser type.
Quantifying The Quality Of A Laser Beam With The Beam Parameter Product And The M2 Factor
Beam quality quantifies how close a laser is to the ideal diffraction-limited Gaussian beam. High beam quality comes with advantages like small spot size, efficiency at different depths, and cheaper optics.
3 Limitations Of Laser Beam Machining
Lasers are often heralded as a fix-all solution. It’s important to remember that lasers have some limitations before reorganizing the whole shop floor to accommodate a brand-new laser beam machining workbench.
Gentec E-O Laser Power Meter Supports Spectroscopy Studies At Oregon State
The chemistry department at Oregon State University won a UP19K-15S-H5 laser power detector and a MAESTRO display device at our recent Laser Lab Awards contest. One of its research teams is using their winnings to enable spectroscopy studies of biologically important molecules doped inside helium droplets.
A Quick Guide To Calculating Laser Fluence
What is laser fluence? It is a measure of energy delivered per unit area. It tells you how concentrated a laser’s energy is. This is helpful to avoid busting damage thresholds and to ensure good process quality.