Lasers Videos
Why Do I Need To Measure My Laser Beam?
Dan Ford walked us through some of what was on display for laser beam profiling and analysis applications before sharing information on Ophir’s high-power laser application initiative over the last year.
High Speed 5 Axis Micro Drilling Scanhead In 2016
We were fortunate enough to meet with Taiki Iida at Canon to hear about two brand new releases.
Low Cost, High Speed Imaging Solutions
Xenics' message at Photonics West in 2016 is straight and to point — low cost, and high speed.
Video: The Full Spectrum
Ophir-Spiricon products have the ability to measure the output for every laser wavelength along the electromagnetic spectrum. This video provides a brief introduction of Ophir’s wide range of equipment used in different spectrum regions to measure and profile lasers.
Verifire™ HD Interferometer System Video Demonstration
This video features the new Verifire™ HD Interferometer System with a high-speed 2k x 2k pixel CCD camera, and an optimized optical design to reliably measure surface features.
Refractive Eye Surgery Using Fast Piezo Steering Mirrors
This video demonstrates the use of the Piezo Drive in refractive eye surgery. These Piezo-based tilting mirrors direct the laser beam faster and more precisely than conventional scanners.
Issues in Measuring Beams Coming Out of a Fiber
There is often confusion when having to measure a beam coming out of fiber. The geometry of the situation is different, as the beam diverges when emerging from a small aperture. This video discusses the necessity of other parameters such as numerical aperture or fiber core diameter in measuring a diverging laser beam exiting a fiber.
Focused Into Fiber, And New Laser Wavelengths
Bob Struthers with PD-LD gave us a quick rundown of some of their usual products on display at DSS this year and also shared some exciting news in regards to the new laser wavelengths they now offer. He then turned it over to Tom Deberardine so we could get a closer look at PD-LD’s active fiber optic coupled component offerings.
Accurate Metrology In Adverse Environments
John Waka with Zygo started our day two DSS 2015 coverage off with an introduction to the DynaFiz™ — a dynamic laser interferometer that can essentially "freeze" vibration, enabling accurate optic metrology in environments that are too violent for traditional temporal phase shifting techniques.
Optical Filter And Coating Solutions
Jason Palidwar of Iridian Spectral kicked off our DSS exhibition coverage by giving us a closer look at what they’re showcasing this year.