Lasers Videos
How To Use PC-Gentec-EO Software
Gentec-EO advances laser measurement technology, providing solutions for accurate laser performance in various applications. Their customized instruments help improve productivity, safety, and research outcomes.
How To Understand Damage Thresholds
In this video, Félicien Legrand, US/Canada Sales Manager at Gentec-EO, talks about the damage thresholds of your detector. Learn how to understand them and why it is so important.
Choosing Your Gentec-EO Display Solution
Charles Dumas, Gentec-EO’s International Sales Director, provides an overview of Gentec-EO’s display options for laser power and energy measurements. Check out his guide!
The Importance Of Measuring M² Of Lasers
Allow MKS Ophir to explain M2 and how it measures laser beam quality. Learn why measuring M2 is important to laser manufacturers and end users alike
How To Use Camera Lenses To Measure Large Laser Beams
In this video, Charles Dumas, International Sales Director at Gentec-EO, shows you how to use a camera lens to measure a large laser beam.
Measuring Any Laser Beams With Custom Solutions
Discover the many laser product customization possibilities at your fingertips with Gentec-EO's Félicien Legrand, who explains how a tailored solution can meet your specific requirements.
Display Solutions To Read Your Laser Power And Energy Measurement Data
In this video, Charles Dumas from Gentec-EO talks about all the different displays available for viewing data from laser power meters and laser energy meters.
Reliable, NIST-Traceable Laser Power Measurement With The UP Series
Gentec-EO's Myriam Blanchet provides a comprehensive introduction to the UP series of thermopile detectors, a versatile solution for measuring laser power.
The Difference Between Absolute And Relative Laser Power Measurements
Absolute and relative laser power measurement is similar to measuring car speed. The focus is on knowing the exact speed or comparing it to others. The same concept applies to laser power.
What Is A Personal Wavelength Correction Certificate?
In this video, Charles Dumas, International Sales Director at Gentec-EO, introduces you to the Personal Wavelength Correction certificate that each client receives when buying a Gentec-EO laser power/energy detector.