SPIE Photonics West 2018
Application Systems
OptoSigma offers a wide range of application systems that includes microscope units, alignment systems, interferometers, bio-photonics, and laser processing systems. These application systems are designed for many specific applications including polarization measurements, vacuum and oven measurements, and glass and film inspections.
Linear Variable VIS NIR Bandpass Filters For Hyperspectral Imaging
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is used for many applications including satellite imaging and air reconnaissance. HSI is usually executed with bulky hyperspectral-imaging cameras that are sensitive to misalignment, very expensive, and use prisms or gratings as dispersive elements. An alternative method of HSI is the combination of linear variable bandpass filters (LVBPFs) with silicon detectors. This allows for very compact, robust, and affordable HSI detectors that offer several advantages over conventional approaches.
Space, Satellite, and Astronomy Filters and Coatings
Iridian Spectral Technologies offers filters and coatings for satellites and LEO instrumentation, including large format filters for astronomical observations (single band and multi-band pass filters), light absorbers/black coatings, dichroic mirrors and beam-splitters, and multi-element arrays.
Compact sCMOS Camera pco.panda 4.2
PCO introduces its latest camera innovation: the pco.panda 4.2, a state-of-the-art sCMOS camera featuring the same compact 65 x 65 x 65 mm dimensions. This camera provides outstanding quantum efficiency, up to 80%, and excellent image quality provided by the 16-bit sCMOS sensor.
Digital Encoder Galvano Scanner: GM-1000 Series
The GM-1000 series of digital encoder galvano scanners is comprised of four different models with variations in beam diameter, scan angles, small step response, and resolution.
Short-Exposure, High-Power Sensors With Industrial Communications Protocol: Helios Plus
The Helios Plus measures high-power industrial lasers of up to 12 kW by measuring the energy of a short time exposure to this power. The laser is set to pulse from 0.3 to several seconds. It measures the energy and exposure time of this sample of the power, and from this calculates the power. By keeping the pulse energy under 5 kJ, there is no need for water cooling and the sensor can be kept to a compact size.
Near-Eye Display Solutions
Optics Blazers manufactures Near-Eye Display combiners and other components for optimized display performance and see-through properties. With an integrated manufacturing chain, this company can deliver single reflective surface, multiple reflective surface, free-form, or diffractive combiners. Optics Blazers’ solutions are developed with cost and scalability in mind to serve the competitive consumer electronics market.
640 x 512 Resolution High Speed IR Camera: FLIR X6900sc
FLIR’s X6900sc series cameras are full frame MWIR and LWIR 640 x 512 resolution thermal cameras for use in high-speed R&D and science applications. The infrared cameras are designed to produce thermal data at up to 1,004 frames per second at full resolution, and can be sub-windowed for even faster rates. With multiple simultaneous digital data outputs over GigE, CameraLink and CoaxPress in addition to the ability of burst recording to on-camera RAM for up to 26 seconds, there is never a worry of missing critical frames of data.
Nexviewâ„¢ 3D Optical Surface Profiler
The Nexview™ 3D optical profiler microscope stands out amongst competitive products by its ability to measure the topography of virtually any surface, irrespective of roughness, large steps and segments, thin films, steep slopes, with feature heights ranging from < 1 nm up to 20000 µm. It does all this in 3D, without contact, and provides the best qualities of other profiling technologies (stylus, confocal, focus scanning) without their limitations.
Laser Line Mirrors
Optics Balzers has successfully developed and tested a special dielectric layer system with PARMS coating technology, making it possible to manufacture 45°-HR mirrors for 1030nm applications with an established destruction threshold of 0.44J/cm² at 210fs. These mirrors are typically used in ultra-short pulsed systems of Yb:YAG solid-state lasers.