Achieving Double-Sided Fiber Optic Alignment with the H-206 Hexapod Positioning System
PI’s H-206 positioning system uses fast alignment algorithms, six-axis positioning, virtualized rotation and fast optical or analog metrology to achieve double-sided fiber optic alignment.
Improved Automated Manufacturing of Opto-Mechanical Components
Hexapod systems can be used to provide precision movement and positioning in the manufacturing process of opto-mechanical components. Often times though, this type of manufacturing process calls for precise motion in all six degrees of freedom.
Resolution Enhancement of Imaging Chips with Piezo Technology
Cameras and scanning systems used in applications involving fluorescence microscopy, white-light interferometry OCT, or aerial photography need to be high resolution. When resolution needs to be increased, there are only a few options
Piezo Rotary Motor for Optical Instrumentation Tech Note
A great many factors come into play when selecting a drive system for a portable precision instrument: The installation space available, the velocities, the accelerations and positional accuracy required, the energy consumption and the reliability of the motorization selected.
White Paper: Setting PID Parameters And Notch Filters Using Black's Diagram
In the 1800's, automation began with the use of crude motors with belt and pulley drive trains.
Not All Optical Mounts Are Created Equal
With the wide variety of optical mounts available today, it’s more important than ever for researchers and engineers to understand how subtle differences in mount design impact performance and cost. There are increasingly more optical mounts provided to fit specific requirements of different applications as manufacturing and material technology advances. Users have many options and configurations from which to choose when determining the correct mount for the job. When selecting an optical mount, the important parameters to consider are adjustment range, resolution, repeatability, orthogonality of motion, stability, compactness, and thermal drift.
Nano-Scale Imaging/Fabrication Advances Driven By Piezoelectric Active Vibration Control
Engineers from TMC and PI have developed active vibration isolation technology based on piezo ceramic solid state actuators that has become an established solution in nano-lithography applications. However, active vibration cancellation can also improve stability and resolution in super-resolution microscopy applications. Based on digital signal processing algorithms and responsive PI piezo technology with the latest ultra-reliability enhancements, patented STACIS active isolators have proven their dependability in mission-critical fab deployment for over a decade. STACIS is now available in small form-factors ideal for emerging applications ranging from advanced microscopies to nanomanufacturing.
Application Note: Reduce Cost Of Optics And Final Assembly: The Benefits Of Laser-Reflection Based Ultra-Precision Active Alignment
Aligning and centering lenses for cementing or positioning in an optical system poses different challenges depending on the final precision requirements and the methods used during alignment. Desired quality, efficiency, cost of components and capital investment all play important roles in selecting the correct assembly method. The LASER ALIGNMENT AND ASSEMBLY STATION™ (LAS) is a dynamic laser reflection based, non-contact, real-time optical centration and angular measurement instrument, designed for aligning lenses in a multi-element optical system, such as a telescope, microscope objective or microlithography stepper. The LAS’s optical module provides strong, clear reflections by which the user can easily measure and record sub-micron Total Indicated Runout (TIR) for spheric, aspheric, parabolic, cylindric, coated, or uncoated optics with radius of curvatures from 2.0mm to infinity, without changing objectives. By Steve Bohuczky and Sasha Perlman, Opto-Alignment Technology, Inc.