Mad City Labs Downloads
The Quantum Future Of Biosensing
While practical quantum computing applications remain far away, quantum biosensing applications with real-world impact in areas like immunotherapy and diagnostics are near at hand.
Hands-On Quantum Computing Learning
A hands-on introduction to quantum computing promotes more immediately applicable expertise, opening opportunities for non-graduate-level workers.
Clean, New, Bioenergy Sources: One Molecule At A Time
Conversion of cellulose to bioethanol has huge potential to positively impact the global energy crisis, helping enable a shift away from fossil fuel dependency.
Improving The Sensitivity Of Multicolor Microscopy Techniques
Single molecule fluorescence (or Förstner) resonance energy transfer (smFRET) is used to measure distances at the 1-10 nanometer scale in single molecules, typically biomolecules.
Principles Of Scanning Nitrogen Vacancy Magnetometry Explained
Scanning NV magnetometry might not achieve atomic scale resolution, but it provides very high spatial resolution and acceptable magnetic sensitivity compared to other techniques.
Positioning At The Nanoscale (And Below): Trust In Proven Performance
Through a deep knowledge of sensing technologies, technically adept personnel, and experience across a bevy of applications, Mad City Labs helps our customers operate smaller and more cost-effectively than any competitor.
Understanding Magnetic Tweezers Use In Single Molecule Microscopy
Magnetic tweezer experiments often seek to measure changes in the extension or relaxation of a polymer, a functionality useful, for example, in exploring how different enzymes manipulate polymer structures.
Ingenuity & Instrumentation: Creating A Novel 4D Microscopy Method
A team of Duke University researchers sought to explore the viral infection process before the virus has bonded to tissue, understanding how viruses navigate the epithelial space, through mucus and the periciliary layer.
Building Active Feedback Control: Methods At The Nanoscale
Active feedback control can be accomplished in either a closed-loop or an open-loop system, using various combinations of software and hardware and depending on the demands of the experiment.
Modular Motion Control
The MMP series of micropositioners from Mad City Labs has a modular design and can be incorporated into many configurations suitable for microscopy, inspection, and imaging applications. The series is designed to be compatible with many optomechanical components and controlled via (supplied) LabView software.