White Papers and Case Studies
Understanding Turbulent Flows
The simultaneous application of PIV and PLIF measurement techniques sheds light on turbulent entrainment, a process that has implications for oil spills, wind farms, and more.
Ultrafast Dispersion
While the effect of dispersion is minimal for many types of laser systems, it is especially problematic in ultrafast laser applications. Ultrafast lasers are characterized by short pulse durations on the order of picoseconds, femtoseconds, or attoseconds.
Common Laser Wavelengths And Their Uses
Gentec EO explores the many uses of laser wavelengths in this application note. Topics explored include common laser wavelengths in telecommunications, which wavelengths are needed and used for laser eye surgery, and how wavelengths are applied in laser welding applications.
Fiber-Q Fiber-Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulator
An acousto-optic modulator manipulates light through a transmission medium. The Fiber-Q component line contains offerings from visible through to 2 µm and is fully customizable to meet application requirements with connectors, high power capability, optical fiber pigtails, and more.
Consistent Measuring Technology Ensures The Quality Of Medical Lasers
Over the past several years, the fields of aesthetic medicine, surgery and cosmetics have been revolutionized by laser technology. With the development of their innovative laser systems, Asclepion Laser Technologies contributes greatly to patient well-being and faster healing.
BeamSquared — Measurement Long Rayleigh Range Lasers With Small Focal Spot
The development of remote material processing techniques requires increasing the accuracy of the process to permit creating smaller features. Laser systems, used for various industrial applications, require small focal spots and at the same time, greater focal lengths.
White Paper: The Challenge Of Battery Production
This white paper explores where the challenges lie and why the quality of the laser beam plays such a pivotal role in the digitalization of manufacturing processes.
Measuring Challenges Of Wide, Divergent Beams
Wide, divergent beams place specific requirements on a measurement system. The apertures of conventional beam profilers are too small to collect the entire spot of large or divergent light sources, while diverging beams cannot be accurately measured with regular detectors.
Beam Attenuation: Key To Successful Beam Profiling
This white paper discusses why beam attenuation is critical because lasers designed for cutting sheet steel will have no trouble cutting through a beam profiler if the beam power isn't attenuated.
Joined Fast Together: e-Mobility And Laser Welding In Automotive Production
The latest automotive manufacturing processes and e-mobility technologies are tightly linked to laser welding. This white paper explores the challenges found in this juncture and why the quality of the laser beam is so important.