White Papers and Case Studies
Laser Measurements In Materials Processing: How And When They Absolutely, Positively Must Be Made
When improving laser-based processes, there are a variety of parameters that must be measured. Additionally, the continuously rising power of laser systems in material processing makes the requirements for laser measurement systems more challenging than ever. This white paper discusses laser measurements in materials processing as well as how and when they must be made for the best results.
Characterizing A Laser Used In Metal Additive Manufacturing Equipment
In this application note, a developer of power-bed additive manufacturing systems needed a beam profiling system that could be used by their field technicians for setup and maintenance of customers’ lasers. The bulky water-cooled system they had been using was costly, and long lead times for sale and repair were unreasonable. Moving to a BeamGage® based system made setup quick and finding the focal spot location easy.
Ophir Power/Energy Meter Calibration Procedure And Traceability/Error Analysis
This white paper discusses the interpretation and basis for stated measurement accuracy of Ophir Laser Power/Energy meters.
Measuring Laser Power With A Pyroelectric Detector – The Basics of Energy Detectors
If you are involved with pulsed lasers at any level in research, product development, final test, process control, field service or laser safety, it is important to accurately measure the energy of your laser(s). In this technical paper, you will learn about the parameters that needed to consider when selecting and using a pyroelectric detector, and about the typical steps for making good energy measurements.
Measuring Laser Power With A Thermopile Detector: The Basics of Power Detectors
If you work with CW or pulsed lasers, you need to accurately measure your laser power. The more you know about the measurement process, the better. This paper shares basic technical insights in the laser measurement field with the use of a thermopile detector.
Introduction to Quad Laser Position Sensing Detectors And Monitor
The Gentec-EO QUAD-4Track takes advantage of the superior performance of their Pyroelectric Quadrant Detectors over Silicon quad and lateral effect photodiodes. These QUAD-E detectors are designed to measure pulsed lasers and QUAD-P detectors for CW or Quasi-CW lasers. The QUAD- 4Track Laser Position Monitor is a powerful, 4-channel, microprocessor-based instrument that not only measures beam position, but also the power or energy of the laser. This application note provides a basic overview of these products and their capabilities.
Measuring THz Radiation: Choose A Pyroelectric Detector Or Golay Cell?
How does the performance of a Golay Cell compare to that of a LiTaO3 Pyroelectric Detector? This application note reviews how these two detectors work and compares their performance specifications to help you make the best decision on which to use for measuring THz radiation.
Keeping Your Additive Manufacturing Laser In Spec
Additive manufacturing allows for more customized parts using more specialized materials, and will eventually create a more localized, rapid, and agile distribution network. This white paper discusses important laser performance characteristics, how to measure them, and how to keep the laser in spec.
Challenges When Making Laser Measurements In Vacuum Environments
Making laser measurements within a vacuum can be challenging. Depending on the vacuum level and customer’s requirements, Gentec-EO offers suitable solutions for outgassing issues, signal transmission, heat dissipation, and more.
Laser Applications In The Automotive Industry Demand Peak Performance Of Laser Measurement Instruments
The automotive industry is a demanding sector in which craftsmanship, precision and quality are indispensable.One wrong step can lead to catastrophic failures in a production line, where everything already works in harmony to obtain optimal results.