Blog Articles
6 Expert Tips To Measure Laser Power Accurately In All Applications
Learn how to accurately measure the optical power of your laser or other light source with these six expert tips for various applications.
High-Power Lasers: Measuring The Output Without Damaging The Equipment
Concerned about your laser damaging your detector or meter? Let's explore how to protect your equipment and ensure safe operation.
What Are The Limitations Of My Laser Power Meter's Damage Threshold, And How Can I Avoid Exceeding It?
Excessive power, average power duration, power density, pulse width, and wavelength absorptivity can all damage laser power meters, requiring careful usage and consideration of these factors.
How Can I Measure The Power Density Of My Laser?
Peak power, average power, power density, energy density… all of those terms can be quickly confused and mixed up even by experienced laser users. Let's explore one of these parameters: power density.
Ensuring Optimal Laser Performance: What Parameters Should Be Measured?
When you purchase a new laser, it always comes with a long list of specifications. Some parameters might not be useful to you, but others might be important to your application.
What Is The Maximum Beam Size My Laser Power Meter Can Accommodate?
That question is kind of tricky, mainly because there are many assumptions here. So, let’s try to reframe that by making some precisions about your laser beam itself and the conditions in which measurements are performed.
What Is The Difference Between Absolute And Relative Laser Power Measurements?
It’s not uncommon to hear about “relative” and “absolute” measurements when talking about laser power measurements. Those are simply two different ways to approach and define the meaning of your readings. So, let’s sort this out.
How Laser Power Output Measurement Increases Productivity On Production Floors
In this article, we'll discuss how measuring laser power can help increase productivity on production floors and provide some tips for optimizing your laser power output measurement process.
Laser Peak Power Vs. Laser Average Power
Average power density is a good metric to understand Continuous Wave (CW) lasers, but it is not enough to understand what to expect from pulsed lasers. For pulsed lasers, you need to utilize peak power (and peak density).
The Importance Of Using A High Damage Threshold Laser Power Detector
Choosing a high damage threshold laser power detector becomes more crucial as the need for laser output power and energy levels increases and beam and pulse shapes become more sophisticated in the laser-based industry.