
Infrared Interferometers For IR Imaging Applications

Zygo - IR Interferemoeters

ZYGO has designed and built many specially-equipped interferometer systems, including NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR wavelengths. ZYGO also designs and manufactures an array of reference optics for these wavelengths.

Optical imaging applications are broad and varied. Testing at a system's design wavelength is critical for development, final alignment and qualification.

Night vision, IR, and thermal imaging systems for aerospace and defense, lithography subsystems, remote sensing telescopes, and exotic material qualification represent broadly-varying wavelength requirements, and all benefit from testing at design wavelength with an infrared interferometer system.

ZYGO, long recognized as the world leader in interferometric testing instruments, has designed and built many specially-equipped interferometer systems, including NIR, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR wavelengths. ZYGO also designs and manufactures an array of reference optics (transmission spheres and transmission flats) for these wavelengths.

Key Features

  • Wide range of operating wavelengths:

    • NIR: 1.053 µm & 1.064 µm

    • SWIR: 1.55 µm

    • MWIR: 3.39 µm

    • LWIR 10.6 µm

  • At-wavelength QFAS alignment view eases setup of infrared test systems and components.
  • QPSI™ acquisition technology, available only from ZYGO, enables reliable measurements in vibration-prone environments – available with NIR, SWIR and MWIR models.
  • Optional DynaPhase™ instantaneous data acquisition for vibration insensitive metrology in the most difficult environments.