Test and Measurement Equipment Videos
How To Understand Damage Thresholds
In this video, Félicien Legrand, US/Canada Sales Manager at Gentec-EO, talks about the damage thresholds of your detector. Learn how to understand them and why it is so important.
Choosing Your Gentec-EO Display Solution
Charles Dumas, Gentec-EO’s International Sales Director, provides an overview of Gentec-EO’s display options for laser power and energy measurements. Check out his guide!
Zygo ZeGage Pro And ZeGage Pro HR
Discover the future of measurement technology with the ZeGage Pro. Designed to replace traditional stylus instruments, it offers easy usability and unparalleled accuracy in harsh environments.
Display Solutions To Read Your Laser Power And Energy Measurement Data
In this video, Charles Dumas from Gentec-EO talks about all the different displays available for viewing data from laser power meters and laser energy meters.
The Difference Between Absolute And Relative Laser Power Measurements
Absolute and relative laser power measurement is similar to measuring car speed. The focus is on knowing the exact speed or comparing it to others. The same concept applies to laser power.
Flexible, Fast Gantry Platform For Large-Area Photonic Test & Assembly: Photonics Automation
A precision gantry stage typically provides overhead motion in 2 or 3 linear degrees of freedom (X-Y and X-Y-Z) and is often used for pick and place applications, 3D printing or laser machining, precision handling, and electronics applications.
Automation Solutions With Zygo
Zygo’s Richard Pultar details the technical challenges and push for growth in the optics and photonics industries and how automation solutions are here to help.
What Is The Maximum Repetition Rate Of A Pulsed Laser When Used With A Power Detector?
Average power measurement of a pulsed laser can be a really tricky thing. What is the minimum repetition rate to get stable and reliable measurements? Myriam Blanchet of Gentec-EO answers this question in this video.
Thermopile Vs. Photodetectors: Which Is Best For Laser Power Measurements?
Myriam Blanchet of Gentec-EO explains the difference between a thermopile and a photodetector. She then gives some tips to know which technology is best for specific laser power measurement needs.
Developing Better Laser Processes
Félicien Legrand with Gentec-EO met with us on the second day of Photonics West 2022 to explain why your time is better spent developing improved laser processes when compared to the time invested in setting up laser beam diagnostic tools. He also gave us a brief introduction to the new Miro Altitude – a laser power display and energy device ideal for even the most demanding applications.