Mirrors Videos
BOROFLOATĀ® & Optical Mirrors Video
BOROFLOAT®, the world’s first borosilicate glass by SCHOTT, has become one of the most influential specialty glass materials with its thermal stability, superior surface quality, and remarkably high transmission for utilization in research applications such as its implementation in the Hobby Eberly Telescope.
Refractive Eye Surgery Using Fast Piezo Steering Mirrors
This video demonstrates the use of the Piezo Drive in refractive eye surgery. These Piezo-based tilting mirrors direct the laser beam faster and more precisely than conventional scanners.
New Guaranteed High Reflectivity Dielectric Super Mirrors And More
OptoSigma had their usual strong presence at the Photonics West exhibition in 2014. This year, Dan Denison took the time out to give us an overview of some of the products they had on display- most notably, their new line of super mirrors for applications involving ultra-high finesse optical cavities.
MEMS Mirrors, CMOS Cameras, Flow Cells, And More
Shruti Sharma, inside sales manager with Hamamatsu, walks us through several of their product offerings displayed at Photonics West 2013.
Live From SPIE DSS 2012: Unique Disruptive Approach To Manufacturing Thin, High-Precision Free-Form Mirrors Explained
Giuseppe Borghi, VP of marketing and sales at Media Lario Technologies (MLT), discusses MLT's disruptive manufacturing technology, high-precision replication by electroforming. This technology allows them to produce with cost and cycle time savings greater than 50% high-precision very thin mirrors with complex surfaces like non-rotationally symmetric and free-form. These complex mirrors can be integrated into single aperture multispectral (VIS to LWIR) sensor systems delivering top performance, compactness, and low mass solutions for defense surveillance and security airborne, UAV, and earth observation applications.