StellarSCOPE™ System For Microscopy
StellarNet has released the StellarSCOPE™ System that allows users to couple their favorite StellarNet spectrometer systems to a microscope. This enables users to perform Raman, Fluorescence, & CIELAB color measurements on a micro spot and capture high resolution images, video, and time lapse video of their samples.
The StellarSCOPE System comes equipped with an Olympus research microscope with 4, 10, & 40x objectives, CMOS 1.3 Mpixel Camera, optical switch, and required SMA couplers & attachment accessories for your specific application.
The StellarSCOPE System is a powerful add-on to your StellarNet spectroscopy system allowing for the most affordable Raman and fluorescence microscopy systems on the market. Configurations for multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy are also available.
Source: StellarNet, Inc.