Raptor Publishes A New Application Note On The Use Of Swir Cameras For Driver Vision Enhancement
Source: Raptor Photonics Limited
Raptor Photonics has published a new application note on Driver Vision Enhancement (DVE) highlighting how Raptor SWIR / InGaAs cameras provide a better alternative to passive thermal imaging systems. It shows how SWIR cameras can see through smoke, dust, and fog. Unlike thermal detectors they provide a natural image like standard visible cameras allowing for the identification of hazards, terrain and IEDs. The night-time images were taken with an Owl 640 II Vis-SWIR camera.
The app note can be downloaded: https://bit.ly/3ewWB68
For further information contact:
Raptor Photonics Ltd
Telephone:+44 28 2827 0141
Email: sales@raptorphotonics.com
Source: Raptor Photonics
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