
905 nm Pulsed Semiconductor Laser

Source: Excelitas Technologies

These new 905 nm pulsed semiconductor lasers feature a high peak pulsed power into aperture, quantum well structure resulting in <1 ns rise and fall times, excellent power and temperature stability, multi cavity lasers for a concentrated emitting source size.

These semiconductor lasers are ideal for LIDAR, laser therapy, adaptive cruise control, range finding, safety light curtains, and other high volume applications. In addition to the emitting source size, the multi cavity lasers create three emitting active areas that produce an average of 70W peak optical output power when operated at 30A.

Because of its surface mount capabilities, this line of 905 nm semiconductor lasers can be precisely mounted by automation equipment. Additionally, it can emit light in a parallel or perpendicular direction in relation to the mounting surface. This simplifies integration into various OEM designs.

For more information on this series features and specifications, download the datasheet.