
Advanced Photonix Deep UV Large Area Avalanche PhotoDiode (LAAPD)

Source: OSI Optoelectronics
PR - Lg.Area APD

Advanced Photonix, a division of OSI Optoelectronics, introduces a compact and rugged Large Area Avalanche Photodiodes (LAAPDs). APD’s are robust, compact, and lightweight compared to PMT’s and require little or no cooling, making them ideal for applications requiring durability, portability, small space envelopes, or operation in harsh environments. 

APD’s offer significant advantages over Photomultiplier Tubes (PMT’s) in many aspects including improved signal-to-noise ratio, higher quantum efficiency, greater linear response range, larger active detection area, and insensitivity to magnetic fields.

Additional Features Include:

  • Large active area
  • Low noise
  • High speed
  • Windowless
  • 120% quantum efficiency

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