
Data Backup Storage Reporting & Monitoring

Gain control over your backup storage environment. Proliferating backups and management tools can make life complicated for storage professionals. Bocada brings it all together to make your life easier. Clear and simple storage reporting, storage utilization alerting, and predictive storage analytics makes it easy to stay on top of backup storage trends, eliminate fire drills, and minimize budget overruns.

Stay ahead of storage usage

In a data-centric world, backup storage usage is always a challenge. With Bocada automated reporting and alerting, you always know what you’re using and when you’re coming up against capacity or budget red flags.

All your backup data in one place

Across geographies and backup products, cloud and on-premises, Bocada unifies backup metadata for complete, efficient oversight. It empowers you to standardize performance metrics across your operations for better management while eliminating countless hours of data collection and report creation.

Reduce costs

Real-time visibility into storage utilization means you can maintain and optimize servers to free up much-needed space. Wtih accurate reporting on data retention periods and built-in CMDB integration, you can pinpoint unneeded stored data, making the most of existing storage usage.