
CCD Camera Beam Profiler: USBeamPro

Source: Photon Inc.
The USBeamPro CCD is a camera-based beam profiling system with USB 2.0 connectivity, operating under Photon's renowned BeamProfiler Software in Windows. It provides highly accurate measurements of ISO Standard beam profile parameters, including beam diameter, centroid, and power/energy. The USB 2.0 interface offers enhanced ease of use and portability.

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Datasheet: CCD Camera Beam Profiler: USBeamPro

The USBeamPro CCD is a camera-based beam profiling system with USB 2.0 connectivity, operating under Photon's renowned BeamProfiler Software in Windows. It provides highly accurate measurements of ISO Standard beam profile parameters, including beam diameter, centroid, and power/energy. The USB 2.0 interface offers enhanced ease of use and portability.

The USBeamPro CCD features a 1/2" format 1360×1024 array with 4.65µm square pixels for a total beam imaging area of 6.32mm×4.76mm. The camera's small form factor of 70×95×33mm allows ease of placement into typical optical paths.

The nominal optical power dynamic range of this array is 36dB (12-bit digitization).

This instrument provides a high level of portability for beam profiling, since a peripheral frame grabber card is not required for this system. Thus, this equipment can be easily transferred to different laptop or desktop computers without the additional step of installing a frame grabber card and the required software drivers into the computer.

USBeamPro CCD Acquisition and Analysis Software
The USBeamPro CCD Software is written specifically for MS Windows XP Professional or MS Windows VISTA and takes full advantage of the menu driven, multi-windowing environment. The software performs rigorous data analysis in accordance with the ISO standards, providing quantitative measurement of numerous beam spatial characteristics. Pass/Fail limit analysis for each of these parameters can be also applied.

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Datasheet: CCD Camera Beam Profiler: USBeamPro