
Fluorescent Lamp Controllers For Machine Vision Illumination

MERCRON's fluorescent lamp controllers are categorized into series per six power-levels in terms of milliamps. Since fluorescent light-sources are linear, a milliamp rating gives a better idea of the lamp's illumination per unit length than does a total wattage figure. Wattage will change with lamp length alone, but milliamps will not

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Datasheet: Fluorescent Lamp Controllers For Machine Vision Illumination

MERCRON's fluorescent lamp controllers are categorized into series per six power-levels in terms of milliamps. Since fluorescent light-sources are linear, a milliamp rating gives a better idea of the lamp's illumination per unit length than does a total wattage figure. Wattage will change with lamp length alone, but milliamps will not.

All models have the following:

  • Precision Control Regulation within ¼ % of set value of intensity *
  • Real-time Light Feedback
  • Response Interval of .5 ms
  • Remote Control Capability
  • Sinusoidal Drive Frequency
  • All's Well SIGNAL
  • 95% Efficiency
  • Can be specified as either120 VAC or 230 VAC

* (Due to their extra high variability range, High Ratio (HR) units have 1% or better Regulation).

At least 40 different, ordinary fluorescent lamps can be regulated by the MERCRON Lamp Controller, including: Ultra-Violet, InfraRed, Octron, and Germicidal.

Lamp manufacturers typically classify their lamps according to the lamp's diameter: T5's, T8's, & T12's with T8 = 1" (T9's are primarily Circular / Ring lamps).

They also classify their lamps according to 3 performance output levels: Standard - 400mA; High output - 800 mA; and Very High output - 1500 mA.

MERCRON's Fluorescent Lamp Controllers for machine vision illumination applications range from 400 peak milliamp output to 2300 mA output. This ability to "overdrive" the lamp or to safely idle the lamp - "underdrive" it - without burning up the anodes was unheard of before MERCRON.

MERCRON's Fluorescent Lamp Controllers can:

  • regulate anywhere from 1- to - 4 lamps per controller;
  • regulate up to 192" of lamps, depending upon model;
  • vary the lamp's output anywhere from 3-to-38:1, depending upon the series.

MERCRON: Experts in Machine Vision Illumination Solutions

Strong Points Potential Drawbacks
  • A rugged, linear light source
  • No need for complex reflectors / lenses
  • Low heat-control risks
  • Provide soft light ideal for Imaging
  • Assumed to be "not bright enough" **
  • Steady & rapid lamp decay *
  • Sensitive to operating temperature
  • Usually requires extra cooling
When driven @ high frequency - by MERCRON...
  • Can generate a desirable light-field with-
  • a diffused source
  • spectral stability
  • brilliant output
  • excellent field-depth
Strong Points Potential Drawbacks
  • Delivers 4½-times the candlepower of regular fluorescent light-sources
  • Concentrates the light through its aperture ("opening") without reflectors
  • Have to be semi-custom ordered
But when driven @ high frequency - by MERCRON...
* Can generate 20,000 footcandles (1½-times more than the sun!)
* Any ordinary decrease in light-level is countered by the light-level being held constant despite the decay...the original and adjusted light-level designed in the beginning is enforced.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: Fluorescent Lamp Controllers